Tuesday, March 27, 2007
the most addictive show on TV. And I'm too tired to watch it.
Yes, it's Life on Mars, where Detective Inspector Sam Tyler is trapped / in a coma / going insane in 1973, surrounded by a misogynistic and overadrenalined Manchester police force. If there is one show which demonstrates the sheer addictiveness and quirkiness of British TV, this has to be the one.
Wikipedia argues that British TV has more freedom, thanks to the TV license, to take risks with storyline, characterization and general weirdness. I don't believe it, but it's hard to argue with results like this. Episode 5 followed a botched investigation, a young girl's murder and the (completely believable) forced confession from a teenage hoodlum. What's great is how the events were reconstructed - in his "coma" state, Sam was given an overdose of some drug which caused him to hallucinate and pick up memories from Gene Hunt and crew back in 1972. It sounds absolutely bat shit - and it is, brilliantly so.
Best line of the night: "Excuse me, Mrs. Woman?"
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